Bob Gorelik

What is the Bible trying to tell us about God in the “Flood Narrative”?

Let’s look at the account in Genesis 6:1-8:22 in another way—in a way that allows us to see how the information is organized. Hebrew doesn’t use capital letters, vowels or punctuation. It doesn’t employ bolded, italicized, or colored letters. So, it employs other literary devices, like parallelism, to make a point. In this case, the information “folds back on itself” at a crucial statement, “God remembered Noah.” …

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“Palestine” in the time of Yeshua (Jesus)

The Land of Israel was not called “Palestine” in the 1st-century. The Romans referred to it as Judea and its inhabitants as “Jews” (regardless of which one of Israel’s twelve tribes they were descended from). The Jewish people referred to it as Israel and generally referred to themselves as Israelites – but also as Jews (to a lesser degree).

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Although anti-Semitism does not “begin and end with the Christian church,” for the last two-thousand years, anti-Semitism has been a primarily “Christian” phenomenon. And, while there is no doubt that Satan has had much to do with it, it wasn’t something that was a part of Egyptian, Persian, or Greek culture in the way it has been woven into the fabric of Christian theology. …

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