Check out some of our seminars & teachings in our Marketplace. Check back often to stay up to date with the latest teachings.

The Parables
Parables are a genre of literature unique to Yeshua and the Rabbis of the 2nd-Temple period.

A Brief Survey of Intertestamental Period Literature
Our objective will be to consider the theological implications of these works and to discern to what extent they influenced Apostolic authors.

The Creation Seminar
The age of the universe, according to the “Big Bang” theory, is the elapsed time between the Big Bang and the present day.

Brief History of the Canon
“A Brief History of the Canon” - Our objective is to understand how both the Hebrew Bible and the Apostolic Writings came "to be".

Messiah – Another Jewish View
Whether in person or in print, anti-missionaries try to explain why Jews ought not to believe that Yeshua is the Messiah.

Pirkei Avot
Comparing Pirkei Avot (ETHICS OF THE FATHERS) To The Apostolic Writings.

Hebrew Idioms
Some of the profound differences between Greek and Hebrew and explores the correlation between language and worldview.

The Captive Woman
Where do modern attitudes toward women and their role in society come from?

Letter to the Hebrews
Travel back in time as Bob Gorelik brings fresh insight into this often misunderstood letter to the Hebrews.

The "Passion" of Yeshua
Yeshua’s last words and final teachings, his celebration of the Passover, his arrest, trial, execution, and resurrection.

Israel Seminar
The current conflict in the Middle-East between Israelis and Palestinians seems as old as time itself—but is it?

The Last Days
This study will examine what the Scripture really says, and perhaps most critically to "whom" it is said.

Paul’s letter to the Galatians has created a good deal of controversy—primarily because modern readers do not approach it from a Jewish perspective.

Anti-Semitic events: It is not just about "What" happened to Jews over the last 2,000 years, but "Why" it happened...

Acts of the Apostles
Examines the background of Luke, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and the ministries of Peter, Stephen, John and Paul.

Nature of God Seminar
"The Nature Of God" seminar will open vistas of understanding for the novice as well as the most advanced students.

The Covenant
This seminar is an in-depth study of the six biblical covenants specifically delineated in the Bible.

The Essentials
“The Essentials” explores the subject of Hermeneutics, which comes from the word hermanuo and means “to translate.”

Brief Survey of the Siddur
This seminar gives the background of the Siddur and covers it’s History, Organization and Function. Includes Siddur and workbook.

Appointed Feasts
Subjects include an overview of the eight “sacred assemblies” mentioned in the Bible—the Sabbath and the seven “appointed feasts.”

The Qumran Library
The Dead Sea Scrolls probably constitute the single most important biblically related literary discovery of the twentieth century.
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