Lindy Keiser

Update from Ari and Jeremy


 As you know we have been keeping a very close eye on what is happening in Israel as well and Ari and Jeremy's campaign to gain a Knesset seat. Below is the latest update Ari and Jeremy sent us.

Shalom Friends!   

We wanted you to hear it from us first. 

At the very beginning of this campaign, we promised that we are not, and never will be, politicians.  The goal of Knesset politicians is to win the game of politics - to acquire and retain their Knesset Seat.

The gravity and urgency of our times demand unity in Israel and in the Religious Zionist camp. If we are able to bring this about through this declaration, even if we don't make it into the Knesset, we would consider our labors to have been both meaningful and purposeful despite what the personal fallout may be. While there is no reason that this should cost us our seat, it is a price we are willing to pay.

We wanted you - our friends, family, and mitpakdim  to hear it from us first.  We hope that you will see the critical importance of us taking this stand and that you will support us in this bold decision.

Please join us in supporting Ari & Jeremy. You may do so by clicking Like, Tweet, g+1 or share below. To learn more about Ari and Jeremy, their mission and the latest on what is happening in Israel visit


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The Month of Elul

It is Inventory Season and Elul, the last month of the Jewish year, is a time to review the past and look at where you've come in life. It's a preparation for the upcoming "Days of Awe" – Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – when we resolve to do better this year than last.

The theme of Elul is return to your essential self – a.k.a. teshuvah – helped along by prayer and charity. "The king is in the field," they say, meaning that the G-dly spark within you is much more accessible, as long as you search for it.

Some customs for the month of Elul:

  • The blowing of the Shofar - Each day (excepting Shabbat), a ram's horn (called a shofar) is blown after the morning services. It's a wake-up call to spiritually prepare for Rosh Hashanah. The shofar is a wake-up call to spiritually prepare for Rosh Hashanah
  • Adding a special closing when writing a letter - we sign off, "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year."
  • Adding Chapter 27 of Psalms to the morning and afternoon daily prayers.
  • Saying three additional chapters of Psalms, sequentially, each day, from the 1st of Elul until Yom Kippur—when the remainder of Psalms is completed.
  • Having your tefillin and mezuzot inspected by a scribe to ensure that they are still in good condition.


Selichot are prayers to G-d asking for forgiveness. Sephardic Jews recite special selichot early every morning of Elul. Ashkenazi Jews begin these selichot shortly after midnight on the Sunday morning before Rosh Hashanah—unless this start date doesn't allow for a minimum of four days of selichot, in which case, they start selichot on the Sunday morning before that. Selichot are then recited daily before the morning prayers until Rosh Hashanah. Many continue reciting selichot until Yom Kippur.

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Honest Reporting on CNN’s Palesinian Olympic Runner Story

The Olympics were just a few weeks ago and inspired many all over the world. Often you see stories that tell where the athletes come from an obstacles they've over come. But one was used not only to share how the athlete over came, but to spread propaganda and lies as well.

Below is a video from Honest Reporting where Yarden Frankl discusses CNN's feature on a Palestinian Olympic runner and the obstacles she faces due to "Israel's occupation" and hardships in the West Bank.

(Click Here to watch the entire video on CNN)

While we realize this runner did face many obstacles to reach the Olympics, training in the West Bank was not one of them. We ask the you help us get the word out about how biased the media is by clicking Like, Tweet, G+ or Share below.

Honest Reporting on CNN’s Palesinian Olympic Runner Story Read More »

An Update from Our Friends in Israel

We received the following email from or friends Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz and wanted to share it with you so you.

Shalom Friends,

To watch today's interview with Ari on FOX News click here - Ari Abramowitz on FOX News - Is Israel Ready for War?.

It seems like we struck a nerve - AGAIN! The feedback has been overwhelming!

If this is a message you want to hear the State of Israel projecting to the world- join Bayit Yehudi and vote us in!

All you need to do is fill out the form in English on our website -

Shalom from Jerusalem,

Jeremy Gimpel

We ask that you help us get the word out by clicking Like, Tweet, G1+ or Share below. THANK YOU!

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Ari & Jeremy Catch the Eye of Fox News

 Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel have created a YouTube series called "Iran -vs- Israel" and were recently interviewed on FOX News.

We have the great privilege of knowing both Ari & Jeremy and stand with them in their efforts to bring this understanding of events to the world.

To keep up with current events in Israel and to watch more movies in this series visit

Ari & Jeremy Catch the Eye of Fox News Read More »

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