Israel News

A Day for the History Books

Below is the email we recieved from Ari Abramowitz about the election day in Israel:

Shalom Friends,

Tuesday, election day, is a day that will go down in history books - especailly for the Bayit Yehudi. From the disregarded political sidelines, the Bayit Yehudi now represents the fourth largest party in the Knesset! Although our hopes were even higher, the party has many reasons to celebrate.

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Lastest from The Land of Israel

We want to keep you informed and aware of what is happening in Israel. One way we do that is by sharing information we receive in emails. Below is a current update from Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz from It contains the latest Bayit Yehudi video and article that which will appear in the Jerusalem Post soon.

Watch Now:  Is the Bayit Yehudi Your Home?

Shalom Friends!

The campaign is moving ahead full force!  Below is an article that Ari and I wrote which will be in next week's Jerusalem Post and above is our latest Bayit Yehudi video. The Zionists who came to build the State of Israel in the 1880s were called the Chalutzim - "Pioneers".  Our goal with the above video is to make it clear who we, and the Bayit Yehudi, see as the pioneers of today.  We would love to hear your thoughts. 

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