
The Qumran Library (Workbook Only)

"The Qumran Library" - Understanding the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls" By Robert Gorelik

The Dead Sea Scrolls probably constitute the single most important biblically related literary discovery of the twentieth century. The Scrolls have contributed significantly to biblical scholarship in several fields: (1) the study of ancient writing and making of books/scrolls; (2) textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible; (3) linguistic studies in Hebrew and Aramaic; (4) apocryphal and pseudepigraphal studies; (5) the study of sects and groups, particularly the Essenes, within Second-Temple Period Jewry; (6) ancient methods of biblical interpretation; (7) intertestamental period history; (8) first-century doctrines and religious ideas; and (9) studies into the background of the Apostolic Writings.

Regarding “first-century doctrines and religious ideas,” the Scrolls help us understand the dynamic development of ideas having to do with the coming of the Messiah. What texts from the Hebrew Bible were applied to the coming of the Messiah? Was more than one Messiah anticipated? What was he to be like? And, what was he to do when he comes?

100-page workbook Download Price: $20.00

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