Numbers/Bamidbar 5772

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PARSHAH Torah Haftarah Audio
B’Midbar “In the wilderness” Num 1:1-4:20 Hosea 2:1-22 MP3
Naso “Take” Num 4:21-7:89 Jud 13:2-25 MP3 Pt1 - Pt2
Baha’alotecha “When you set up” Num 8:1-12:16 Zech 2:14-4:7 No Audio
Shelach Lecha “Stand on your own behalf” Num 13:1-15:41 Josh 2:1-24 MP3
Korach “Korah” Num 16:1-18:32 1Sam 11:14-12:22 MP3 Pt1 - Pt2
Chukat “Statutes” Num 19:1-22:1 Isa 66:1-24 MP3 Pt1 - Pt2
Balak “Balak” Num 22:2-25:9 Mic 5:6-6:8 No Audio
Pinchas “Phineas” Num 25:10-30:1 1Ki 18:46-19:21 No Audio
Mattot “Tribes”
Massei “Stages (in the Journey)”
Num 30-36 Jer 2:4-28; 3:4 No Audio

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