Hope this letter finds you well! “So much to do and so little time.” A saying that doesn’t seem to pack the punch it used to, but it seems the march of time continues its relentless passing. This letter comes to you on the heels of all the many solar year-end appeals from all the many charities and ministries that you supported in 2011. However, for us the Jewish new year of 5772 is well underway. And rather than just beginning we are reaching the midpoint of our project year.
There are some exciting projects I am working on for ESHAV Books and for you that I covet your continued prayer for. Please pray that the Lord would grant me the time to study, write and teach and continue to bring me fresh insight as I purpose to delve deeper into the well of His Word. The Scripture is truly a bottomless well of wisdom, encouragement and instructions for living. Like with an ancient archaeological site in Israel, treasures and discoveries are uncovered as one diligently digs out its secrets—line upon line, precept upon precept, layer upon layer of His unsearchable ways are revealed anew.
The “short” list of projects and seminars for Eshav Books this year:
- Seminar/Workbook: “Hebrews”—slated for June of 2012
- Seminar/Workbook: “Romans”
- Seminar/Workbook: “A Brief Survey of the Rabbinic Literature”
- Update Seminar/Workbook: “The Messiah—Another Jewish View”
- Continuing Study through the Gospels—Thursday night via Talk Fusion
- Weekly Shabbat Study: Connecting the Torah Portion with the Apostolic Writings
Please prayerfully consider partnering with me in these projects. For these endeavors to be fruitful requires much time and energy. My dream is that as the ministry of Eshav Books and continues to grow, reaching out to people throughout the world, that I would be enabled to retire the “hat” that says, “Bob Gorelik, Electrician” and instead don my kippah and be a full-time Messianic Rabbi.
Like you, I am grateful for work these days, but having to work in the field full-time on electrical jobs takes precious time away from the ministry. Writing seminars and preparing Bible and Torah studies requires a tremendous amount of research time. And more than anything it takes time away from my ability to travel and visit all of you in person. To touch people over the internet is great, but to spend time with all the precious Torah communities that I’ve had the great pleasure to help God plant—to behold how the Lord is working in each person’s life and in each community, graciously adding to your numbers daily, to share a meal, have conversation and discussions, to teach, minister and to pray for you in person is my heart’s desire above all things.
In order to do what the Lord has called me to do requires time. So to the extent that you can, please prayerfully consider how you can come alongside financially and be a partner in what God is doing with Eshav Books. Please click on the Donation button for Eshav Books below.
May the Lord continue to bless you, keep you and fill you with His Spirit. May He touch your lives as richly as you have touched mine. Looking forward to being with you this year!
Be well.