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SWC Meets with Facebook Officials in Ongoing Discussions to Review Removal and Blocking of Terrorist Postings

This is a re-post from Simon Wiesenthal Center


Update From Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean and Founding Director of the SWC”s Digital Terrorism and Hate Project

October 23, 2015

The current wave of barbaric knifings, shootings and car rammings by Palestinians against Israelis is based on the "Big Lie" of a non-existent Israeli campaign against a Muslim holy site on The Temple Mount.

SWC Meets with Facebook Officials in Ongoing Discussions to Review Removal and Blocking of Terrorist Postings Read More »

Bibi’s Breach of Protocol

This is a re-post from by Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Bibi’s Breach of Protocol

Echoes of Queen Esther who broke protocol in the face of an Iranian threat to destroy her people.

Controversy surrounds the Prime Minister of Israel’s forthcoming appearance on Capitol Hill.

Invited by Republican House Speaker John Boehner to address Congress about the threat of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed this opportunity to share his country’s existential concern as the Iranian regime comes ever closer to achieving the capability of fulfilling its avowed goal of the total annihilation of Israel. But the White House has made known its displeasure. A growing number of Democratic lawmakers said they would boycott his talk. Vice President Joe Biden, who as president of the Senate would normally oversee Netanyahu’s address, said he would be out of town. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said she hoped the speech “doesn’t take place.”

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Jordan’s “Disproportionate Response”

This is a re-post from Shorashim of the Old City by Rabbi Benjamin Blech


No people threatened by an aggressor and fighting for their existence has been vilified for using their full forces to prevail, except Israel.

The Internet is all a-Twitter about Jordan’s King Abdulla. Almost overnight the King has become an international hero. As one Google headline put it, “The Internet has fallen in love with the warrior King.”

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