Deuteronomy/D’varim 5782

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PARSHAH DATE Torah Haftarah Video Audio Study Notes
D’varim “Words” 9 Av 5782 Aug 6, 2022 Deut 1:1-3:22 Isa 1:1-27 Video Coming Soon Notes
Shabbat Chazon “Sabbath of Vision” 9 Av 5782 Aug 6, 2022 Weekly Reading Weekly Reading N/A N/A N/A
Tisha B’Av “9th of Av” 10 Av 5782 Aug 7, 2022 Deu 4:25-40 Jer 8:13-9:23 N/A N/A N/A
Va-etchanan “And I pleaded” 16 Av 5782 Aug 13 24, 2022 Deu 3:23-7:11 Isa 40:1-26 Video MP3 Notes
Shabbat Nachamu “Sabbath of Comforting” 16 Av 5782 Aug 13 24, 2022 Weekly Reading Weekly Reading N/A N/A N/A
Ekev “Because” 23 Av 5782 Aug 20, 2022 Deu 7:12-11:25 Isa 49:14-51:3 Video MP3 Notes
Re’eh “See” 30 Av 5782 Aug 27, 2022 Deu 11:26-16:17 Isa 54:11-55:5 Video MP3 Notes
Shoftim “Judges” 7 Elul 5782 Sept 3, 2022 Deu 16:18-21:9 Isa 51:12-52:12 Video MP3 Notes
Ki Titze “When you go” 14 Elul 5782 Sept 10, 2022 Deu 21:10-25:19 Isa 54:1-10 Video MP3 Notes
Ki Tavo “When you come” 21 Elul 5782 Sept 17, 2022 Deu 26:1-29:8 Isa 60:1-22 Video MP3 Notes
Nitzavim “Standing” 28 Elul 5782 Sept 24, 2022 Deu 29:9-30:20 Isa 61:10-63:9 Video MP3 Notes
Rosh HaShanah “New Year” 1 Tishrei, 5783 Sept 26, 2022 Gen 21:1-34; Num 29:1-6 1Sam 1:1-2:10 N/A N/A N/A
Vayelech “And he went” 6 Tishrei 5783 Oct 1, 2022 Deu 30:21-31:30 Video Coming Soon Notes
Shabbat Shuvah “Sabbath of Return” 6 Tishrei 5783 Oct 1, 2022 Weekly Reading Hos 14:2-10; Mic 7:18-20; Joel 2:15-27 N/A N/A N/A
Yom Kippur “Day of Atonement” 10 Tishrei 5783 Oct 5, 2022 Lev 16:1-34; Num 29:7-11 Isa 57:14-58:14; Jonah N/A N/A N/A
Ha’azinu “Listen" 13 Tishrei 5783 Oct 8, 2022 Deu 32:1-52 2Sam 22:1-51 Video MP3 Notes
Sukkot “Tabernacles” 15 Tishrei 5783 Oct 10, 2022 Lev 22:26-23:44; Num 29:12-16 Zech 14:1-21 N/A N/A N/A
Vezot Ha’Bracha “This is the Blessing” 20 Tishrei 5783 Oct 15, 2022 Deu 33:1-34:12 ( Vezot Ha’Brachs is read on Simchat Torah—it does not fall on a Sabbath, BUT we will study this portion on Shabbat,
the 6th Intermediate Day of Sukkot. )
See Below See Below See Below
Shemini Atzeret “8th (day) of Assembly” 22 Tishrei 5783 Oct 17, 2022 Deu 14:22-16:17; Num 29:35-30:1 1Kings 8:54-66 N/A N/A N/A
Simchat Torah “Rejoicing in the Torah” 23 Tishrei 5783 Oct 18, 2022 Deu 31:1-34:12; Gen 1:1-2:3; Num 29:25-30:1 Josh 1:1-18 N/A N/A N/A
Vezot Ha’Bracha “This is the Blessing” 23 Tishrei 5783 Oct 18, 2022 Deu 33:1-34:12; Genesis 1:1-2:3; Num 29:35-30:1 Josh 1:1-18 Video MP3 Notes
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