
Would you do me a favor today and read this and watch this video?

by Todd Ferguson

I'm hoping that you will invest 10 minutes of your precious time to watch this video!

It is important because it will give you a "non-media" view of the conflict in Gaza.

It is a short communication from a young lady who lives near the Gaza border in a Kibbutz and how they go about their days, generally happy, even though there is a near constant bombardment, but how that "normalcy" has changed now with Hamas digging tunnels under the Israel border to come murder and kidnap their family and children. It appears she lives in the Kibbutz just a hundred or so yards away from the tunnel where Hamas came out to attach them but was stopped in the nick of time by the IDF.

There's no bigger sadness than the loss of innocent life and the casualties in Gaza are horrifying, no doubt. Yet, it is not Israel's fault if the people don't leave when the leaflets are dropped. It is not Israel's fault if the people don't leave when Israel calls on their cell phones and texts them about their home being attacked within the next few minutes. Yes, they do that in almost every instance. (Email me if you don't believe this and I will send you the link that proves it.) It is not Israel's fault if the people don't rise up and stop Hamas from making them stay as human shields.

Would you do me a favor today and read this and watch this video? Read More »

Tisha B’Av and Devarim (Deuteronomy)

Tisha B’Av and Devarim (Deuteronomy)
by Dolores Moran


This Shabbat the scroll was opened to the book of Devarim. Parasha Devarim is always read on Shabbat Chazon (“Sabbath of Vision”), the Sabbath that precedes the week in which the tragic day of Tisha B’Av is observed. Even as he stands with the Israelites on the border of the Land of Israel—their journey almost at its end—Moses reminds them how difficult it has been to get them this far. Moses reproves the people, primarily for the sin of the scouts who returned from touring the land of Israel and caused the people to lose faith with their evil report. In fact, the entire first chapter of Deuteronomy speaks of this sin. In the 12th verse of Devarim Moses cries out: "Eicha Esa L'vadi... "How can I bear your trouble, your burden, and your bickering all by myself?!" (How can I carry this alone...)?" (Deut. 1:12). That first word of the verse, "How," has a special resonance this week. In Hebrew it is "Eichah," (pronounced ei-CHAH) and we read Devarim on the Shabbat preceding Tisha B’Av because the word, “Eicha,” recalls the opening verse of the Book of Lamentations, “Eicha yahsh’vah bah’dahd ha’ir?” “Alas, how does the city of Jerusalem sit in solitude.” We will read Lamentations this Monday night on Tisha B’Av. In Hebrew, Lamentations is called Megillat Eichah, "the Scroll of How."

Tisha B’Av and Devarim (Deuteronomy) Read More »

“The Game Is Bigger Than The Team” – What are the lessons from football about religion & humanity?

This is a re-post from rabbisacks.org


So the battle for the World Cup has finally begun. You could hardly miss it. Already in anticipation the logo on my computer search engine has been jumping up and down in excitement. And there’ll be many cheers and groans ahead.

Truth is, that I’ve been reluctant to talk about football ever since an episode that happened more than twenty years ago. George Carey had just been chosen as Archbishop of Canterbury, and I’d just been elected Chief Rabbi, when someone discovered that we had one major passion in common. We were both great Arsenal fans. So he wondered whether we might like to have our first ecumenical gathering in his box at Highbury stadium, then Arsenal’s home ground: a midweek match for obvious religious reasons.

“The Game Is Bigger Than The Team” – What are the lessons from football about religion & humanity? Read More »

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