
Israel advocacy or Zionist education?


WHAT THEN, is the difference between being pro-Israel and a Zionist? .... it’s the difference between being a fan and being a player.

Someone who is “pro-Israel” loves Israel the way that I like the Atlanta Falcons. I love my team, I follow their latest news and developments and I don’t want anyone ridiculing them. If they do, I’ll stand up for my team, for their honor and mine. In contrast, a Zionist isn’t on the sidelines rooting for his team to win – he’s running the ball down the field. A Zionist sees himself as a player in the game. A Zionist sees himself as an active character in the story of the Jewish people.

In my years of speaking on behalf of Israel, filmmaking and teaching, I’ve found that the most profound message that resonates is recognizing our lives in Israel as another chapter in the 4,000-year old story of our people. We must continuously draw the lines from Abraham to Moses and Joshua to King David in biblical times to the Maccabees and Bar- Kochba and now, in post-biblical times, to the IDF. We are simply the next chapter in the greatest human story ever told.  Our goal must not only be to advocate for Israel, but to tell the story of our people. The story of our kingdom destroyed, our bitter exile and our ultimate liberation. It is the story of the undying hope of a people for 2,000 years; a dream to live as a free people and return to our homeland. That is the story the world must hear again and again.

Israel advocacy or Zionist education? Read More »

This is very moving

The following is from FOX Sports. I found it very moving and wanted to share it with you:

Apr 18, 2013 10:03 AM ET


Rene Rancourt, the Boston Bruins’ iconic anthem singer, delivered perhaps the most memorable performance of his career Wednesday night. It lasted about 15 seconds.

On this night, of all nights, the song and its message did not belong to one man.

This is very moving Read More »

A Letter from Bob


Just a quick note to thank those of you who continue to support Eshav Books and eshavbooks.org in prayer and with your finances! This has been such a difficult time for so many of us, your ongoing support is very much appreciated. We hope and pray that the web-site provides you not only with useful Bible-study resources but with other timely information as well.

It doesn't seem possible that Passover is almost here - but now it is just a few days away. So, let me wish you a Chag Sameach Pesach ("Happy Passover")!! And, as we are reminded of the Exodus from Egypt and our own redemption in the Messiah, I will thank the Lord for you and your faithfulness too.

I hope and pray that this year's Passover celebration will be sweet and meaningful for you all.

Be well. Love, Bob

A Letter from Bob Read More »

Passover Preparation

Preparation is a significant and integral part of every biblical holiday. The planning during the week prior to each Sabbath usually culminates on Friday in a bustle of cleaning, last minute shopping, food preparation and welcoming guests. Then the candles are lit and the peace of Shabbat is ushered in like a radiant, beautiful Queen. Without some advance planning and preparation this would not be possible. The same principle applies to the Shabbatot, the set-apart days, of the annual Festival Cycle.

Preparations for the annual festival of Pesach, or Passover, begin at least a month before the holiday, with a planned schedule of thorough housecleaning – the model for “spring-cleaning”! Invitations are given or received for the Seder meal, which is prepared for in fine detail.  You can find great information and “how to’s” as to what constitutes “chametz” which needs to be removed from your home and this process at Chabad.org

Cleanse out the old leaven (chametz) that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Messiah, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrificed.  (1 Corinthians 5:7). …

Passover Preparation Read More »

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