

Passover is, as it were, the “firstborn” of the biblical festivals. God set it in place when He proclaimed at the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt: “You shall therefore keep this ordinance at its appointed time from year to year” (Exodus 13:10). As a first, Passover also sets a precedent for the purpose of the mo’edim, the set times of the Festival Cycle. Arnold Eisen describes this basic purpose well in saying that they are a remembrance that we are between redemptions.  “We are commanded to recall the past, in order to remember the present – to see it clearly, to know it fully, in all its possibilities – in the light of our future full redemption.”   These appointments with God offer unique opportunities that enable us to look back on God’s mighty deeds, to live in His light in the present, and to look forward in faith. …

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Passover Is Coming…Time To Prepare!

Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are unleavened.For Messiah our Passover also has been sacrificed. Let us therefore celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 1Co 5:7-8

As we enter into the Season of our Redemption let us “clean out the old leaven”. Passover is God’s first “appointed time” in the Torah. It is the beginning of the spring festival cycle beginning with Passover, Feast of First Fruits, and concluding with Shavuot (Pentecost). Passover begins at “twilight” of 14 Nissan, this year, 5772, is Friday, April 6th. The Seder is celebrated the first night in Israel and both the first and second nights in the Diaspora. In order to fulfill the commandment, one may also celebrate it on any night during Passover week, which for most people, is their respective Community Seder events.

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Repairing the World

One of our members shared this Facebook article and it is so wonderful we wanted to share it with you. It is with permission "from our orthodox Jewish friend" Moshe Kempinski we bring you this post today.

Repairing the World By Moshe Kempinski

In the Torah portion of Mishpatim we read of an astounding account;

And Moses and Aaron, Nadav and Avihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel ascended, and they perceived the G-d of Israel, and beneath His feet was like the forming of a sapphire brick and like the appearance of the heavens for clarity.. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel He did not lay His hand, and they perceived G-d, and they ate and drank. ( Exodus 24:9-11) …

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A Letter from Bob


Hope this letter finds you well! “So much to do and so little time.”  A saying that doesn’t seem to pack the punch it used to, but it seems the march of time continues its relentless passing. This letter comes to you on the heels of all the many solar year-end appeals from all the many charities and ministries that you supported in 2011.  However, for us the Jewish new year of 5772 is well underway. And rather than just beginning we are reaching the midpoint of our project year.  

There are some exciting projects I am working on for ESHAV Books and for you that I covet your continued prayer for.   …

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Pray For Israel

Do you like to pray for Israel on a continual basis? Would you like encouragement to be reminded to?  If you’re like me, prayer sometimes comes easily, other times not so easily, and sometimes it helps to have a reminder or inspiration. This is precisely why our Siddur is such a treasure!  It provides just such inspiration. And here is something new you might enjoy along these lines.

I’m a member of Jewish charitable and news organization called, “Unity Coalition of Israel” and they have recently teamed up with another Israeli organization called “American Friends of Ariel”,  who just launched a brand-new weekly prayer for Israel program using the Psalms.  Each week they create a short  D’rash for the Psalm and a video to accompany it.  They are in English, with beautiful scenes from The Land. They discuss the meaning of certain Hebrew words as well so for those of you who know a little Hebrew, or would like to, you will enjoy very much.  Plus they are 2 minutes....nice and short!

Check it out below. And please let me know what you think.   Shalom uv’rachah!

This week- Psalm 4 - Weekly Prayer for Israel
Prayer is an exercise in expanding our lives. As we open our hearts with prayer we are given an opportunity to reach far beyond what we previously allowed ourselves to imagine.  Praying for Israel is a perfect example of this. Whereas many may pray for individuals, people who pray for Israel are praying for the entire world. They’re looking at what’s happening today, and they’re connecting, far beyond themselves, into an expanse that constantly draws international and multi-faith interest. When we pray with Israel we are attaching ourselves to something very vast and very meaningful.

YouTube video – 2:15 minutes

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