
Israel Is at War – From PragerU

Dear PragerU supporter,

Israel is at war. Hundreds of innocent women, children, and elderly Israeli civilians were kidnapped and slaughtered by Hamas in the biggest attack against Israel in 50 years. Why is this happening?


At this moment, as lies and misinformation about Israel are spreading across the Internet and the media, it is critical that you know the truth and share it with as many people as possible.


PragerU is dedicated to teaching the truth about Israel—a shining beacon of tolerance, democracy, and freedom, and America’s greatest ally in the Middle East—and the evil people intent on its destruction.


Please join us in standing with Israel. We must speak up for goodness and fight for what is right. We encourage you to share the truth with as many people as possible. And please pray for Israel.

Videos about Israel & the Middle East

Israel Is at War – From PragerU Read More »


Below is another email I wanted to share with you. It comes from The Jewish National Fund.

On Monday, one-third of the American Studies Association’s (ASA) 3,800 members voted in favor of a boycott of Israel’s academic and research institutions. They follow the smaller Association for Asian American Studies which approved a similar boycott last spring, and now the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association has followed suit. …


Severe Snow Storm in Israel

I receive the following email and wanted to share it.

Dear Friends,

As you are no doubt aware, Israel has been hit by a severe snow storm which began last Wednesday.

Damage and power outages have been widespread in the Samarian region - the Shomron, and particularly in the town of Itamar, where the damage is staggering and where dozens of families are still without power, and thus spending their fifth cold dark night without heating or light. The children are at home in these shivering conditions as the schools and day care centers remain closed, and in many cases in need of extensive repairs.

Many temporary houses and structures have been destroyed including organic farmlands creating havoc and ruining livelihoods. We are starting to realize the sheer enormity of the week's snowstorms and the damage inflicted. The needs are great; housing repairs, hothouses to be erected again, kindergardens and schools need repair, and funds to allow small enterprises to rehabilitate themselves as soon as possible.

Generators need to be purchased to enable life to continue.

Private funding is urgently needed and hence your help would be much appreciated.

If you would like to participate in this massive effort,

please click here, or go to http://www.israelnationalnews.com/More/ActivePage.aspx/DonateItamar1

You will then be able to enter your name and phone numbers, one our staff will contact you immediately.

Thank you.

Yonatan Boofty Arutz Sheva Israel.

Severe Snow Storm in Israel Read More »

The Real U.N.

This video was sent to us by one of our members and contains information we feel everyone needs to know. Watch the video, then click the on the buttons below to share this post with others.

The Real U.N. Read More »

A Message from Jerusalem – The 9th of Av

This comes from our friend Ari Abramowitz from TheLandofIsrael.com:

Today, Jews around the world are preparing to fast and mourn the destruction of our Holy Temples in Jerusalem.

The seeds of this tragic day were planted upon the return of the spies bearing an evil report, full of fear and doubt, about the Land of Israel.(Numbers Ch.13)

Together, may we succeed in our mission of sharing the truth and beauty of the Land of Israel with the faith and courage of Joshua and Caleb.

May we grasp hands in in brotherhood and friendship and merit to be a part of the ingathering of the exiles and the rebuilding of the Temple.

"For my house will be a house of prayer for all nations" (Isaiah 56:7)

Allow us to see the events of our times with the hope and faith as our holy sage Rabbi Akiva.  When a group of scholars saw a fox scampering in the ruins of the Temple, they wept at the shame of what had become of the glory of Israel.     

Rabbi Akiva, however, astounded his companions by laughing.  

He understood that, just as the prophecies of destruction had come to pass, the prophecies of redemption, rebuilding, and renewal will also be fulfilled.  

With love from Jerusalem,


A Message from Jerusalem – The 9th of Av Read More »

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